The Berlin wall 25 years on. on the tip!
We depart Berlin by his massive artwork on the Spree river
We stop in Potsdam to see Palaces and the site of the Post war Potsdam agreement.
Schloss Ceciliedhof, where the fate of post war Germany, was thrashed out.
Truman, Stalin, and Churchill sat at this table to map the future shape of Germany
Sans Soussi, just one of the royal palaces of the Prussian Kaisers
We head North into the Mecklingburg region of lakes and narrow waterways.
The Mecklingburg region is remote and enchanting
The old lift bridge at Plau
The Kaiser Willhelm, The recently restored veteran. at Launenburg
The Elbe river was running very low we sail with only cms beneath our keel
These fisherman are near the middle of the Elbe river
Timber from the Baltic, on the Elbe Lubeck canal
Lubeck waterfront, we are on the doorstep of the Baltic
Holstentor gate, the classic symbol of Lubeck
Lubeck the Merchants church was destroyed by RAF bombs.
Its' bells lay where thaey fell.
Antiope alongside in Lubeck
The Schiffergesellschaft. dates from 1400 where shipmasters and merchants met and traded
Now a restaurant we dine in the original rooms
From Lubeck we will cruise down the Trave river to Travemunde and a shed for the winter.